The Bent Nails

Roots and Blues from Vancouver BC
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The Bent Nails

Label: Indie
since circa 2005
The Bent Nails hail from Vancouver with a quirky blend of blues, roots and country-influenced originals and cover tunes. They’ve also been known to wander into Motown, swing and jug band territory. Originally formed in 2005 to back up Desperate Measures (Sharon Craig and Shelley Stevens), their passion and openness to all genres of music has kept them together - and still going strong. Comments on their performances include: “The band sounded GREAT. I loved your selection of songs.” “The harmonies that you had going on were amazing. “ “What a lovely groove you had….I am forever your devoted fan.” “Very cool repertoire.”
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Current Lineup

Shelley Stevens
guitar, banjo, vocals
2005 - present
Sharon Criag
2005 - present
Andrzej Koczapski
guitar, dobro, pennywhislte
2005 - present
Bryun Jantzen
2005 - present
Lorne Craig
drums, vocals
2010 - present
Gord Lord
2014 - present

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