The Dudes

Legit rock from Calgary Alberta
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The Dudes

Label: LOADmusic
The dudes are legit. They make rock songs that come from the most closely gaurded vaults of the emotional banks. They sing about the triumph of good over no good. They trumpet the march of the working class lady. They tell stories of love gained and lost, knife fights, cops and kindness. The dudes want you to see them play live. They would like you to laugh and dance. After the show, they want to give you a high five. Scott will teach you a special handshake. Jon will guess your weight. They have a brown van that has taken them across canada twice. Soon they will take it to your town. Will you be there? Maybe sleep on your floor?

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Unlinked Musician
1998 - present
Unlinked Musician
Lead Guitar
1998 - present
Unlinked Musician
2000 - present
Unlinked Musician
2009 - present

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