The Hanson Brothers

from Vancouver BC
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The Hanson Brothers

The Hanson Brothers are best known for the many best selling albums they've released under the name NoMeansNo, their long time side project.

The Hanson Brothers embarked on a Canadian tour in Spring 2002, as well as a European tour. That time, they actually played some shows! On their previous European attempt, they were forced to leave the continent hurriedly following a disastrous incident in Bremen involving two Hanson Brothers and a vendor of Melons. Fortunately, all criminal charges were subsequently dropped.

The Hanson Brothers released their third full-length album My Game on Mint Records in 2002. If there were any lingering doubts as to whether My Game could match the seemingly impossibly high standards they set on their previous releases Gross Misconduct and Sudden Death, it can be said with certainty that the vastness and splendor of My Game laid those doubts to rest, and with gusto.

The Hanson Brothers are Johnny Hanson (vocals), Robbie Hanson, (bass), and Tommy Hanson (guitar), with long-time cousin Ernie behind the drums. Other brother, Kenny Hanson left the Hanson Brothers' drum kit to devote himself to his true passion: the theater. Kenny can be seen to this day in remote Canadian towns, touring his one man production of The Houston 500.

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Current Lineup

Tom Holliston
Bob Wright

Past Members

Ken Jensen (RIP)
1991 - 1995
Ken Kempster
1995 - 199

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