The Leather Uppers

Garage Rock from Toronto Ontario
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The Leather Uppers

since circa 1991
Clad in stylish matching outfits, rocking the stage like it's 1975 and every venue is Shea Stadium, The Leather Uppers are all about pure energy. Armed only with drums and guitar, the dynamite duo of Classy Craig and Groovy Greg show time and time again that it's not about what you have, it's how you use it. With a live show that makes Kiss look shy, the Uppers (as they are known to their hardcore fans) take the energy even higher and the audience by surprise when they switch instruments halfway through each performance. Taking their musical inspiration from 60's-70's garage, punk and classic rock, these heavy Toronto cats seamlessly fuse it all together into one fun-filled surprise package. Fanatical Leather Uppers boosters include fellow musicians the Sadies, Nardwuar the Human Serviette and Danko Jones, who already selected their upcoming Goner LP/CD "Bright Lights" as a top ten pick and has played several cuts on his "Magical World Of Rock" radio show. As the Uppers boldly march into the future armed to the teeth with their unique brand of high intensity rock, keep one thing in mind: Flash photography will be permitted!
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Greg Tymoshenko
1991 - The End
Craig Daniels
1991 - The End

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