The New Black

powerpop / punk from Vancouver BC
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The New Black

since circa 2004
The New Black (2004-present)

A powerpop/punk juggernaut, equal parts Sons of Freedom, The Godfathers and Blondie, with a vocalist that looks like Kim Novak with a Mohawk and tattoos, and powered by musicians that have 127 years of playing and touring experience between them (yes, pathetic but true).

Kristi Johanson – lead vocals. Also performs live with Big John Bates and the Taboo Revue

Gary Economy – lead guitar. Also in the recently re-formed The Gathering, ex-member of Taste of Joy, Cast of Thousands. Session guitarist, road manager, guitar tech for many Vancouver groups, including Sons of Freedom, 54-40, Sarah McLachlan etc.

David Lea-Smith – lead guitar. Ex-vocalist / guitarist / songwriter for Picasso Set and Motorcycle.

Tony Lee – lead drums. Occasional Hard Rock Miner, also in Eddie D & The Sex Bombs, ex-member of the SaddleSores and the Soreheads.

Gord Badanic – lead bass. Ex-member of Go Four 3 & Thrill Squad. Ex-label manager and producer at Zulu/Polygram Records, past-president and music director of CiTR-fm, founder of Shindig. Past-president of the PMIA, co-founder of the West Coast Music Awards, juror for FACTOR, the Junos, the WCMA, NewMusicWest, CFOX Demo Listen and MITAP. Guest-host on CBC Nightlines and occasional host of Soundproof. Blah blah blah... luckily, the original Gord was killed off in 1999, but he was recently re-animated as a dumpy middle-aged guy.

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Current Lineup

Gord Badanic
lead bass,
2004 - present
Gary Economy
lead guitar
2004 - present
Tony Lee
lead drums
2004 - present
Kristi Johanson
lead vocals
2005 - present
David Lea-Smith
lea- guitar
2007 - present

Past Members

Patrick Findler
lead guitar
2004 - 2007
Bill Napier-Hemy
guest lead guitarist
JIm Newton
guest lead guitarist

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