Thrash Metal from Vancouver BC
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Label: none
since circa 2008
Theocide is the culmination of brutal, agressive, melodic metal 5 friends love to make. The name, not found in any dictionary, means the killing of the structured religious study of God and church. The corruption, fear and false power the church and governments create is a scourge on humanity. Theocide opposes such things. Metal is truth. Theocide has spent countless hours hating each other to ensure the brutalest music possible. Their first demo, available on this page, was recorded in May 08. Planning for their full length is is the works and expect some hard dates set soon. Presently Theocide is looking towards Vancouver bills and shows to help burn down stages with other great local bands, so if you want a band that will kick your ass, never lose intensity, and drink all your beer, we're the guys.
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Mike Lister
2007 - The End
Jordy Knute
2008 - The End
Colin Brusic
2008 - The End
JP Poulin
2008 - The End

Past Members

Kyle Gamache
2007 - 2008

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