Uncle Sid

Hard Rock'n Metal from Vancouver BC
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Uncle Sid

Label: Independent
since circa 1999
We want to say hi to all our Sidizens who have been so patient waiting for us to get Rockin again! For those who have just became familiar with us here's a little info. We are a melodic Hard Rock/Metal band with a lot of classic and new day influences. Our music is played with heart-felt dynamics and lots of passion. We are very hyped about our new vocalist Emerald Green along with new guitarist Frankie Scars and the new musical endeavor we are on! Uncle Sid just released our new single "Code Blue"and we are ready to get our show on the road to Rock!

From our debut gig opening for the iconic Uriah Heep at the Commodore to the present line-up, we know there's a lot of Rockin still to do in this World! Uncle Sid makes music because we love making music! Anyone who has seen this live know we put our heart and soul into doing the best damn Rock show we can possibly do! We also vow to put a 100% of Rock into every live show we do so "You" the fan can experience a truly Rockin aural-visual sensation. We are coming to you straight from the heart. We're looking forward to seeing all youSidizenss when we take to the road with our intergalactic tour which started this summer in Canada. Next on the list are Japan, Europe and U.S.A . We're Ready to Rock 2017 and beyond, let's do it up right all you Rockin Sidizens!!!!! See you all soon :)

Keep Rockin with Uncle Sid you'll be glad you did!

Peace, Love and Rock'n Roll Sidizens!

*Check out the web site for more updates.*Kick Ass Rock'n Roll with the Big Show!
Available for Shows/Gigs

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Current Lineup

Dale Salive
1994 - present
Kirk October
2006 - present
Emerald Green
2014 - present
Frankie Scars
2014 - present

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