Waking Jude

Acoustic Rock from Vancouver BC
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Waking Jude

Label: Indie
since circa 2002
Doesn't get too many shows but plays a passable easy listening style.

Hailing from Abbotsford, BC, Waking Jude has been playing shows since it’s formation back in 1999. With years of both singing and playing punk rock under his belt, Derrick Mensch strived for something with a deeper meaning musically, and in turn he picked up an acoustic guitar.He started by playing local shows in basements of houses, coffee shops, parking lots and local venues, but it quickly grew into something bigger. With pop hooks, catchy vocals and the sweet sound of his acoustic guitar, how couldn't it.

Waking Jude's first release was in january of 2003 called the Shadows EP of which has sold more than 500 copies. With people still wanting more, an extended reissue will soon be available with 2 brand new songs and some live tracks as well. For a brief while, Waking Jude was on hiatus while he focused oh his other project DS Sutton. They were touring and playing shows relentlessly, thus not allowing for much time to focus on a solo performance. DS Sutton has since passed on, thus the fresh start of Waking Jude.

With a new album on the way (due out mid early 2008) plans of taking the world by storm are in order, and he needs your help to help to make this happen. There will be new songs posted on a regular basis and hopefully we won't have to wait to long for our ears to hear the sweet sound of his voice.



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Derrick Mensch

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