Yoko Casionos

from Vancouver BC
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Yoko Casionos

Label: none
since circa 2001
The Yoko Casionos are one of Vancouver's most cherished bands. Opening gigs for local staples such as Copyright and national indie icons like The Flashing Lights have won them a cult-like following of fiercely loyal and dependable fans. Their music is accessible but holds a sway of artistic integrity not associated with bands that have potential mainstream capabilities.

With every show in Vancouver filled to capacity and a healthy buzz around whatever they happen to be doing at any given point in time, the Casionos are currently recording tracks for an upcoming release.
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Last Lineup

Misty Reid
guitar, vocals
Chad Reid
guitar, bass, vocals
Unlinked Musician
drums, vocals
Kieron RhysDrake
lead guitar

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