freedom toast

Hard to define from Duncan BC
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freedom toast

Label: independent
since circa 2003
born on 420 the toast emerged, black, cracked and burned. there it stood silent and strong against the onslaught of pink bubble gum and fizzy soda. what now? where does the toast turn in this sickening world of contentment and lip glossed smiles? wandering the streets he came to a cross roads where the man with many dogs stood. he held out his mitten and handed toast a jar. "This is the good stuff." he said. toast opened the jar and out into the open air soared a wondrous feeling/sound/idea/memory. jam. jam as far as anyone could see or cared to look. toast had been reunited with the jam. it sunk deep into every crack and crevice. he was uplifted into a state of euphoria. everything became clear and jamolicious. and still, to this day, toast remains smothered from head to foot in this life altering, bubble popping, cloud blooming feeling/sound/idea/
memory. and oh boy, does it ever feel good!

A few influences of the five members of freedom toast are: The Grateful Dead, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead, Primus, Ween, Frank Zappa, Tool, Led Zeppelin, Dead Kennedys, Pink Floyd, Queens of the Stone Age, Oscar Peterson.....Just imagine what we might sound like. Keyboards, guitar, bass and drums. Female and male vocalists, four part harmonies.
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Delean Jezerae
2003 - The End
Dave Convery
2003 - The End
Andrew Kent
2003 - The End

Past Members

Trevor Davies
Guitar, Vocals, Composition, Drums
2003 - 2006

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