Trevor Davies

Singer Songwriter / Jazz Guitarist from Vancouver Island BC
Age: 36 (estimated)
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Trevor Davies

Instruments: Guitar, Piano/Keyboards, Drums, Trumpet, Voice details
Trevor Davies has been active as a composer and performer on Vancouver Island for over 8 years (since the age of fourteen) most notably with Freedom Toast.
In the recent past he has earned a Bachelor of Music, worked on cruise ships, been hired as a touring accompanist for Ken Lavigne, Gillian Stone and others as well as advanced several projects of his own. In collaboration with Bold Rhythm Records in Nanaimo, the current focus is on his growing repertoire of singer songwriter and power-trio material. Trevor's newest compositions possess a new depth of experience, and a new musical maturity that has been developed through studying jazz at VIU and simply living life. Lyric-driven and sombre "song-poems", improvised elements, groovy alt-rock/pop tunes (featuring the newly formed trio) and an "everything's going to be alright" kind of melancholy, contrasted by a resiliant optimism and sense of humour.
This is original music by local, contemporary musicians at its best.

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Current Projects

Trevor Davies
Guitar, Vocals, Composition
2009 - present
Trevor Davies Trio
2009 - present
Gillian Stone
2008 - present
Gillian Stone/Cameron Wigmore Quintet
Guitar, Vocals, Composition

Past Projects

Ken Lavigne
Guitars, Percussion, Synth
2009 - 2010
freedom toast
Guitar, Vocals, Composition, Drums
2003 - 2006

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